Wednesday, February 28, 2018

ESWG Week of 2/26/18 - 3/2/18

·       Monday:
·       Tuesday:
·       Wednesday:
- Intro to keystone species
·       Thursday:
-Cont. previous lesson on Keystone species
·       Friday:
-Intro to Succession

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Week of 2/12 Hathorn/Stetler

·       Monday: Conservation Efforts

·       Tuesday: Owl Pellet Lab

·       Wednesday: Physical Features

·       Thursday: Biodiversity Debate

·       Friday: Unit 2 Quiz- Physical features and biodiversity 

Week of 2/12 Hathorn/Ray

·       Monday:
-N/A (Labor day)
·       Tuesday:
-Unit 1 test
·       Wednesday:
- Intro to keystone species
·       Thursday:
-Cont. previous lesson on Keystone species

·       Friday:
-Intro to Biomes

Week of 1/29 Hathorn/Stetler EWG 1st Period

·       Monday: Energy Transfer in Ecosystems

·       Tuesday: Biomes and Climate

·       Wednesday: Biome Project

·       Thursday: Unit 1 Test Review

Friday: Unit 1 Test: Ecosystems and Physical Geography 

Week of 1/29 Ray/Hathorn 2nd and 3rd periods Environmental/World Geography

-physical features Geo
·       Tuesday:
-Cont. physical features
·       Wednesday:
- Natural features?
·       Thursday:
-naming rivers?
·       Friday:
-Naming deserts?