Do You Plan to Attend Tutoring???
ATTENTION STUDENTS...tutoring shuttles will resume on Monday February 2, 2015 at 5:00 PM. The buses will run on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday only. The Wednesday shuttle is reserved only for students enrolled in the NovaNet program. Students must report to their teacher by 3:40 and must remain with that teacher until 5:00 PM in order to receive a bus pass. If students are tardy to tutorial, they will not be admitted and will not receive a bus pass. They will be responsible for their own transportation.
In 9th Lit this week...
PTSA OPEN HOUSE @ 6:30 pm January 29, 2015. Please come out and bring your parents!!!
If you are selected to attend the very special field trip to AMC Phipps Plaza to see Selma on February 13, 2015, please return your permission slip and $10.00 as soon as possible. Students will need to bring extra money for lunch.
Monday----Finishing up "The Secret Life of Walter Mitty" by James Thurber: open book test & film analysis
Tuesday---Wednesday---"Thank You Mam" by Langston Hughes: characterization notes, read selection, questions &textual evidence, character report cards,student created movie, i-respond quiz, meet the author
Thursday---Friday---"Lamb to the Slaughter" by Roald Dahl: meet the author, review irony, partner read selection, rewrite ending, view film version, story assessment
Binder Check Wednesday
Constructed Response Revisions Due Friday
Purchase a copy of Romeo & Juliet: No Fear Shakespeare ASAP
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