Tuesday, November 5, 2019

November 4- November 8, 2019

Monday- My Country Research Country Histogram, People Paradox (if not done yet) Tuesday- No School Wednesday- Plan for Canned food Drive, Body Biography (If not done yet) Thursday- Work on Presentation for Hunger Defined Solution Friday- Presentation of Hunger Defined Solution

Week of October 28-November 1, 2019

Monday- Agricultural Methods & Pest Management 4 Square Discussion, Alternative Agriculture Research: Students will research and model both hydroponic and aquaponics structures. Tuesday- GMO Research & Build: Students will research various genetically modified organisms and construct models to further explain how and why. Wednesday- Mini Garden Design Planning & Build: Students will design and build planters to grow various fruits and vegetables as a part of the Hunger Defined PBL. Thursday- Build Day: Students will construct their mini-gardens and plant (time permitting) Friday- Plant & Label Garden, Canned Food Drive Planning: Students will plan the details of a school wide canned food drive and create the marketing items necessary to promote this event as a part of the Hunger Defined PBL