Tuesday, November 5, 2019

November 4- November 8, 2019

Monday- My Country Research Country Histogram, People Paradox (if not done yet) Tuesday- No School Wednesday- Plan for Canned food Drive, Body Biography (If not done yet) Thursday- Work on Presentation for Hunger Defined Solution Friday- Presentation of Hunger Defined Solution

Week of October 28-November 1, 2019

Monday- Agricultural Methods & Pest Management 4 Square Discussion, Alternative Agriculture Research: Students will research and model both hydroponic and aquaponics structures. Tuesday- GMO Research & Build: Students will research various genetically modified organisms and construct models to further explain how and why. Wednesday- Mini Garden Design Planning & Build: Students will design and build planters to grow various fruits and vegetables as a part of the Hunger Defined PBL. Thursday- Build Day: Students will construct their mini-gardens and plant (time permitting) Friday- Plant & Label Garden, Canned Food Drive Planning: Students will plan the details of a school wide canned food drive and create the marketing items necessary to promote this event as a part of the Hunger Defined PBL

Monday, October 21, 2019

Week of October 21-October 25

Monday -Quiz Review Quizziz.com Tuesday - QUIZ, Anticipation Guide, and Philosophical Chairs Wednesday - Student Phenomena Created Questions: (PBL intro), Poverty Activity, and Food Desert Clip with questions Thursday- People Paradox, NOVA documentary Friday - Hungry Student Body Biography, Food Supply and Demand, and Aquaponics

Monday, October 14, 2019

Week of October 14 - October 18, 2019

Monday - No Word PPT PRESENTATIONS Operation Biodiversity Resilience

Tuesday - Populations Survivorship 1,2,3, Predator-Prey Populations, and R and K selected organisms

Wednesday - Human Population Socratic Seminar

Thursday - Operation Hunger Defined

Friday - How diseases contribute to population growth and distributions? Discuss how population growth and density lead to disease increase.

Week of October 7- October 11, 2019

Monday - Biodiversity Lab: Leaf Litter

Tuesday - Biodiversity Lab: Leaf Litter Data Collection and Lab Analysis

Wednesday - Begin: Operation Ecosystem Resilience Activity

Thursday - Operation Ecosystem Resilience Activity

Friday - Operation Ecosystem Resilience Presentations

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Environmental Science week of 9/16-9/20

Monday - Students will identify the parts of the earth by jig sawing the activity.  Students will also put together their interactive notebooks.

Tuesday - Students will complete an activity that allows them to create a designer animal based of classifying adaptations.  

Wednesday - Students will identify Water Biomes using the text. They will also find examples of those specific biomes in places they have seen or visited (on the internet) 

Thursday - Biome Project: Students will be given multiple products to create that demonstrates their knowledge of a specific Biome : Biome Museum -Biome Diorama -Poster -Video Commercial -Brochure -Biome t-shirt -Dora the explorer episode -Scavenger Hunt 

Friday - Biome Project: Students will be given multiple products to create that demonstrates their knowledge of a specific Biome : Biome Museum -Biome Diorama -Poster -Video Commercial -Brochure -Biome t-shirt -Dora the explorer episode -Scavenger Hunt 

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Environmental Science Week of 9/9/19-9/13/19

Monday - Students will identify the parts of the earth by jig sawing the activity.  

Tuesday - Students will complete an activity that allows them to create a designer animal based of classifying adaptations.  

Wednesday - Students will identify Water Biomes using the text. They will also find examples of those specific biomes in places they have seen or visited (on the internet) 

Thursday - Biome Project: Students will be given multiple products to create that demonstrates their knowledge of a specific Biome : Biome Museum -Biome Diorama -Poster -Video Commercial -Brochure -Biome t-shirt -Dora the explorer episode -Scavenger Hunt 

Friday - Biome Project: Students will be given multiple products to create that demonstrates their knowledge of a specific Biome : Biome Museum -Biome Diorama -Poster -Video Commercial -Brochure -Biome t-shirt -Dora the explorer episode -Scavenger Hunt 

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Environmental Science Week of September 2nd- 6th

Monday - Labor Day... No school

Tuesday - Re-Teach Energy, Cycles, Succession, Student Posters and Gallery Walk

Wednesday - Levels of Organization Demo, Spheres of the Earth Activity, Abiotic and Biotic Comparison Shuffle

Thursday - Adaptations (Designer Animals)

Friday - CTLS Quiz Adaptations

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Week of August 26-August 30

Students will continue working on Ecology stations, Monday- Friday this week.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Environmental Science Week of 8/19-8/23

Monday- Ecology Brainstorm “Thought Dump”, Ecology Stations- -Biogeochemical Cycles -Case Studies (Food Webs, Mercury, Sea Otters) -Microscope Lab (Nitrogen Fixation) -Levels of Organization (Types of Pyramids & 10% Rule) -Food Chains/Web Birds of Prey Research -Data Nuggets -Succession , and Task Summary Sheet

Tuesday- Phenomena: Killer Algae Video, Ecology Stations- -Biogeochemical Cycles -Case Studies (Food Webs, Mercury, Sea Otters) -Microscope Lab (Nitrogen Fixation) -Levels of Organization (Types of Pyramids & 10% Rule) -Food Chains/Web Birds of Prey Research -Data Nuggets -Succession , and Task Summary Sheet

Wednesday- Phenomena: Caterpillar and Wasp video, Ecology Stations- -Biogeochemical Cycles -Case Studies (Food Webs, Mercury, Sea Otters) -Microscope Lab (Nitrogen Fixation) -Levels of Organization (Types of Pyramids & 10% Rule) -Food Chains/Web Birds of Prey Research -Data Nuggets -Succession , and Task Summary Sheet

Thursday- Phenomena: Snake vs Iguana Video, Ecology Stations- -Biogeochemical Cycles -Case Studies (Food Webs, Mercury, Sea Otters) -Microscope Lab (Nitrogen Fixation) -Levels of Organization (Types of Pyramids & 10% Rule) -Food Chains/Web Birds of Prey Research -Data Nuggets -Succession , and Task Summary Sheet

Friday- Ecology Stations- -Biogeochemical Cycles -Case Studies (Food Webs, Mercury, Sea Otters) -Microscope Lab (Nitrogen Fixation) -Levels of Organization (Types of Pyramids & 10% Rule) -Food Chains/Web Birds of Prey Research -Data Nuggets -Succession , and Task Summary Sheet

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Environmental Science Week of 8/12-8/16

Monday- SGMComplete Tragedy of the Commons Posters 

Tuesday- T of C Gallery WalkRACE Strategy 

Wednesday- Eco-Footprint, Green Company Research & Presentation 

Thursday- Owl Pellet Dissection 

Friday- Ecology Stations 

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Environmental Science Week of 8/5/19-8/9/19

Hello. This week in Environmental Science you will have fun while learning. The schedule for this week is below.

Monday - Review Lab Safety Contract, Pill Bug Observation Lab, Lab Analysis Questions/Conclusion

Tuesday - Graphing How To, Graphing Pill Bug Observation Lab Data,  IV/DV Four Square

Wednesday - 
Quick Write/Draw:-Use pictures/visuals that represent each scenario, Practice scenarios for Tragedy of the Commons, Submit written plan for what needs to be completed tomorrow

Thursday - Tragedy of the Commons Presentations, Quick write: Would you be able to share unlimited supplies, Sentence frame for Quick write, RACE strategy 

Friday - Eco-Footprint, Quick Write: If you were an environmentalist and could purchase stock in one company, which would you invest in and why? 

Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Environmental Science Week of August 1-2, 2019

Welcome to Pebblebrook High School to everyone who are new, and welcome back to the students who are returning. My name is Mrs. Hathorn, and I am the co-teacher/collab teacher for Environmental Science. This week in Environmental Science we will be getting acquainted with the classroom norms and expectations. We will also complete your first lab. Please take a look at the schedule below. 

Thursday- Welcome PowerPoint and schedule check

Friday- Pill Bug observation lab, Build Habitat, and Design Experiment

Monday, April 29, 2019

ESWG Week of 4/29/19 - 5/3/19

Monday - 3 D Phenomenom, Study Jams H20

Tuesday - Science Probe, Study Jams H20, Glencoe Virtual Lab

Wednesday - Carbon Cycle Foldable, BrainPop, Carbon Footprint Activity

Thursday - Nitrogen Cycle Foldable, Echo Challenge Game, BrainPop

Friday - Review for Test, Test on what was covered this week

Monday, April 22, 2019

ESWG week of 4/22/19 - 4/26/19

Monday - 3D Phenomenon, Nearpod (Exploring France), Mardi Gras mask

Tuesday - Brainpop, Culture of France Interactive notebook activity

Wednesday - Brainpop, Glenco Virtual lab

Thursday - Brainpop, UV Rays activity

Friday -  Review for test, Test on what was covered in class this week